Not sure all your goals are possible?

Physician Family Financial Advisors guide hard working doctors toward better life outcomes with careful planning and wise investing. And yes, we are fiduciaries.

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Stay on track for retirement

Invest without percentage AUM fees

Enjoy spending more now

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How are you feeling about retirement?

  • Worried about not having enough
  • Sick of skyrocketing AUM fees
  • Not thrilled about DIY investing
  • Afraid to make a big mistake
  • Wishing you could get your spouse on board
  • Not sure how they'll manage without you

To retire without regrets, you need: 

  • A plan to know when it's safe to stop saving

  • A portfolio invested like your life depends on it

  • A planner who encourages you to enjoy life NOW, not just in retirement

  • All covered by a reasonable monthly membership fee that stays the same no matter how much you invest!



one time

Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • Secure Online Portal
  • Retirement Goal Setting Session
  • Retirement Planning Session
  • Action Plan
  • High Level Asset Allocation Recommendation
  • Smart Saving Strategies


Committed Membership

$527 per month

$327/mo for young doctors

15–mo commitment

Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • Fuss-free investment account setup & transfers
  • Fee-free management for IRAs, trusts and joint accounts
  • Click-by-click investment guidance for HSA, 401k, 403b and TSP plans
  • Proactive tax loss harvesting
  • Proactive backdoor Roth conversions
  • Tax-optimized retirement income planning
  • Annual Progress Checks
  • Annual Investment Reviews
  • Easy access to your Primary Advisor by text, phone or email
  • Full access to our team of financial specialists when you need more support
  • A backup plan for your spouse when you're gone

Retirement planning for doctors is not about "maximizing wealth"

It's about minimizing regrets… the kind of regrets that come from saving too little, working too much or making a colossal mistake with the money you need to last a lifetime.

That's why our approach to planning considers all your resources: your money, your time, your emotional health and your family's well-being.

What began with one hard working radiation oncologist guided by a fresh-faced financial advisor back in 1999 is now 160 physician families investing $170 million with our team of four fiduciaries. And 25 years later, that rad onc is still with us, still retired and keeping her fingers crossed for a few more grandchildren.

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As one of the best financial advisors for doctors, Ben’s expertise has been recognized in 100+ media appearances over the past 25 years.

Nate Reineke handles financial planning for physicians with children and student loans

Nate Reineke, CFP®

Student Loans & College

Kyle Hoelzle offers investment planning for physicians

Kyle Hoelzle CFP®

Retirement Investing

Chelsea Jones does retirement planning for physicians

Chelsea Jones CFP®

Retirement Planning

Chelsea Jones does retirement planning for physicians

Jacqueline Gaynor

Service Coordinator

Meet The Team
Get Started

Turn Your Successful Career In Medicine Into A Retirement Without Regrets

Find out if we're a match by clicking the button below to schedule a call.

Join us for a video call to play with the numbers and create a plan to make your money last as long as you do.

Enjoy the remaining years of your career  knowing retirement's ready when you are.

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Smart Financial Advice for
Busy Physician Moms and Dads

Physician Family Financial Advisors

Physician Family Financial Advisors Inc.
9450 SW Gemini Dr PMB 52736
Beaverton OR 97008-7105
[email protected]
(541) 463-0899

©2009-2024, Physician Family Financial Advisors Inc.

Be certain.™